Diaper Trikes and Babies

My diaper trikes are not only adorable, but they come loaded with all kinds of usable baby items. It's something people love to receive because they're cute and usable (no need to include a gift receipt!). I have several different boy and girl styles, and I also customize them for any personality or theme. (And if you know nursery colors we can match them with the gift. How perfect is that?)

One of my favorite things about this business is that almost every item I make is personalized. I had the opportunity recently to make a diaper trike for a woman whose nursery is purple and green:


I ended up liking the color combination more than I originally thought I would, which is always exciting when you're creating something.

61 diapers
1 package wipes
1 blanket
1 bottle
3 total burp cloths/bibs (varied combos)
1 pair socks
2 additional items (varied)


Diaper Babies

We all know babies are adorable. So why not give a cute bundle of joy (aka diaper baby) to the mother-to-be? This is the perfect gift to celebrate the baby to come (or baby just arrived) and gives new parents essentials for their new addition.

These are great when you know the gender, but I can also make them in neutral colors for those parents who don't find out their baby's gender (whether they choose not to or the baby is "private") :).

28 diapers
1 blanket
1 outfit
1 hat
1 pair socks (not included in pajama baby)
1 pair mittens
1 pacifier

Give me a call: 801-850-8770 or send me an e-mail: alyssasbabycreations@gmail.com

Tu-Tu Diaper Baby

28 Diapers
1 Tu-tu
1 Onsie
1 Hat
1 Pair of tights
1 Pair of mittens
1 Pacifier
1 Blanket


Give me a call: 801-850-8770 or send me an e-mail: alyssasbabycreations@gmail.com